In today’s society, there seems to be less of a stigma regarding plastic surgery. There’s an endless stream of famous and not famous people posting the results from their plastic surgery online, and people are loving it. While some individuals may be excited to join the ranks of those electing to have some type of plastic surgery done to enhance their appearance, there are still some patients that wish to keep their procedures under wraps. Triple Board-Certified, Dr. David E. Berman shares advice on what to say to coworkers when you want to avoid going into personal details about your impending surgery.
There are two time periods that a patient needs to consider when conjuring up a story about their surgery. The first is the time you will need to take off from work in order to undergo the surgery and recover. The second concern is your initial return to work when you may look slightly (or more than slightly) different than when you had left.
The easiest way to avoid telling a lie without telling the truth is to hope that no one even notices that you had plastic surgery. You may not need to give any excuse as to why you are taking off from work and it is possible that upon your return, no one will even bother to look up from their desks long enough to realize that anything looks different. This may be easier than you think, because although you assume that every coworker notices every and any detail in your appearance, the reality is that most people are so busy worrying about how they are perceived, that they have little time to think about anyone but themselves!
Recovery in general has vastly improved in regards to plastic surgery. Patients are encouraged to get up and start walking somewhat after every procedure. Assuming you work in an office or your job is not very physical you will be able to return to work quite soon after your surgery. For some procedures, such as Smartlipo, allow you to return to work the very next day. You can return to work after a labiaplasty after only 3-4 days. You can have breast augmentation surgery on a Thursday and return to the office by Monday. After gynecomastia, breast reduction, mini facelift and a tummy tuck, patients will return between 6-10 days after surgery (usually closer to 6 days). After a blepharoplasty, you can return to work after 3 days. If you do have a very physical job, your time off from work may vary slightly.
So what should you tell your coworkers to explain why you are taking off from work, if you do not want to share the truth? Here are some options:
Of course, the excuses will vary depending on whether you have surgery on your face, ears, neck or eyelids versus a part of your body that will be hidden from view.
Here is a list of great excuses that may explain sutures in your face, and maybe some bruising or swelling:
Have any cute stories about the time you had a procedure done and didn’t want to tell your coworkers about it? Share it with us
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Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC