The impact of plastic surgery on my patients has been so powerful that instead of me writing lots about it, I decided to link to 7 powerful interviews. There are hundreds more stories still to be told, but since many people are very private and wouldn’t feel comfortable participating in a public interview, those stories are not revealed to anyone except for me and my staff.
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1. Just three days after a breast reduction, this awesome interview was conducted live in the office. It is an extremely touching interview, where the patient openly shares that seeing her chest/breasts for the first time after surgery and being in tears and as she says feels she “finally looking normal.”
Another thing to note about this patient is how the healing process was much easier than she anticipated. This is not just one isolated incident – it happens with patients time and time again.
People who are less satisfied after a procedure often turn to social media for an outlet – which only propagates dissatisfaction amongst others, instead of creating a positive change! In most cases, my patients see faster results from the procedures I’ve done on them then they were initially anticipating. As we see in this video, this patient came recommended to me through her sister that I had previously operated on – so personal referrals go both ways!
2. This is an interview from a woman who had a tummy tuck and liposuction carried out less than 2 weeks after her surgery. She looks and feels great. She recommends the surgery for anyone who does not feel good about their abdominal appearance. Another patient with a quick recovery – she definitely does not look like someone who had a tummy tuck less than 2 weeks ago!
3. This is a great interview by a gentleman who clearly keeps himself in excellent shape but was troubled by gynecomastia. Like almost all of my patients who suffer with gynecomastia, he was very reluctant to take his shirt off in public. Now after surgery, he is much more comfortable going without his shirt. He mentioned that I had contacted him by text after surgery – something that I do for all of my surgical patients. He also said that he wished he had the surgery 8 years ago. This is something that I hear a lot from my patients. Gynecomastia is one of my surgical specialties. Watch his interview below
4. This is an interview by a woman approximately 3 months after having smartlipo to her upper arms. Smartlipo is one of my most popular procedures. I stopped counting how many after I did 1,500 smartlipo procedures! This patient brought out how easy the recovery is after Smartlipo – almost all patients will return to work the next day. It takes 6 months for the patient to reach maximum benefit. This woman can already see an excellent improvement by 3 months. It was nice to hear that she had laser hair removal done at my office and has been to the office for many ancillary procedures. Although we do emphasize surgery since I am a triple board certified plastic surgeon, I also have a fantastic master esthetician, Jackie, who my office loves having on staff – and has been with us for over 8 years.
5. Although breast augmentation and reductions are more common than breast implant removal, there are a growing number of women who have gotten tired of their implants and just want them out. Many of these women do fine and do not require a breast lift. Very commonly, having implants removed should be very well tolerated and have only some incision discomfort after surgery.
This patient also had a labiaplasty done at the same time. I would add that most labiaplasties are done in my office with local anesthetic and oral sedation. If the patient is already asleep for another surgery by me, then frequently it is more convenient to have it all done at one time – for example when having either a breast augmentation or reduction.
6. This is a very interesting interview because this is an interview done 10 years after her breast augmentation. She is 50 years old now but does not look anywhere near her age. I have seen several of my patients 20 years after their breast augmentation who still have great results (they are of course coming in for something new since patients don’t come back for regular follow ups for 20 years). She still looks great and said she does not need to wear a bra unless she wants to. I would add that she emphasizes that she has a natural look to her breasts. I always strive to give a natural look and I am definitely not a fan of some of the recent Hollywood trends where people look very unnatural either through too large implants, too large butts or too much filler.
7. This is an interview from a 50 year woman who had multiple areas of smartlipo done to her body. She had a quick recovery and even by 2 weeks (she will continue to improve for 6 months) she is glad she had the procedure done. There is a great advantage to smartlipo being done in the office with just local and oral sedation. She had some bruising but it quickly went away. Many patients will add to the benefits of smartlipo by losing weight or exercising more. This is one operation where you can have an influence on your final result.
Feeling inspired and ready to begin your transformation journey with us? Book your consultation today! Looking forward to meeting you and seeing what 2023 has in store! Happy New Years to all!
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Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC