A very common question I get is when to get cosmetic procedures done in order to look great for bathing suit season.
There are 4 operations/procedures that are going to be extremely popular in preparation for getting your body ready for summer:
Let’s discuss briefly the time frame for improvement for each of these procedures.
Breast Augmentation
After a Breast Augmentation (BA), there of course is an immediate improvement in your appearance. From day one, you will have a much better figure, both in and out of clothes. However, there is usually some upper pole swelling (more pronounced with saline implants) that is more noticeable if you are without any clothes. This can be easily hidden with clothing. You need to allow 3 months for your implants to drop into place. In general, the swelling is much milder with silicone and this allows you to look more natural sooner.
I stress to my patients that after Smartlipo, you will continue to improve for 6 months. Of course, you can enhance the results by also exercising and by dieting, so as to decrease your total body fat. Smartlipo will reduce the fat in the treated areas. Multiple areas can be treated and you can generally return to work the next day. Only one treatment is required per area.
Sculpsure is done in the office and no sedation is required. You can even do this on a lunch break. I went to the gym immediately after I treated my love handles! A treatment session only takes 25 minutes and you can return to work immediately. You can treat multiple areas one after another during a single office visit. However, you should treat each area at least twice, usually with 6 weeks between sessions (it can be reduced to 4 weeks however). Once again, you will get more dramatic changes if you can also reduce your total body fat (through diet and exercise), as we reduce fat in the treated areas.
Tummy Tuck
A Tummy Tuck will show a dramatic change immediately after surgery. You can return to work after 10-14 days and usually to more intense workouts by 6 weeks. You can usually start exercising gently after about 3 weeks (sometimes even sooner). Your scars will continue to improve and fade with time. Your appearance will also improve with time so it is good to have some time between your TT and donning your bikini. If you know which bathing suit you want to wear, you can bring it along at the time I mark you for surgery, so I can do my best to try and design the incision scars to be hidden by your swimsuit.
Want to know more about cosmetic procedures and what might be right for you? Please call my office at 703-406-2444 to schedule a complimentary, private consultation with me.
[email protected]
Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC