Most places are charging between $1,500-2,000 per session for SculpSure fat melting sessions, while my office only charges $1,000/session. Why? Because you truly need 2 seasons to get the best results, ideally spaced 6 weeks apart. I find that many providers push clients to purchase one session only, at that higher rate. However, I feel that everyone should plan on 2 sessions to maximize your success.
It is important to know that you can do multiple sessions in different areas of the body, one after another, since each session is only 25 minutes and you are not sore after the treatment. I have had patients complete a session on their abdomen and immediately afterwards, move the 4 paddles to their love-handles, then to their bra fat and then to their thighs. I insist patients purchase a minimum of 2 sessions to see a noticeable reduction in body fat. Studies done by Cynosure have demonstrated an average reduction of fat of 24% when done on the abdomen or flanks. However, the paddles for Sculpsure can be placed almost anywhere on the body including: thighs, upper arms, knees, bra fat, male breasts,etc. If you are on the fuller side, you should consider doing 3-4 sessions per area.
I also offer Smartlipo, Bodytite and Facetite, as other options, in addition to the Sculpsure. However, Sculpsure is the only one that offers fat reduction with NO incision – meaning, NO DOWNTIME for you.
Have questions about SculpSure? Please call my office at 703-406-2444 to schedule a Consultation with me.
[email protected]
Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC