Botox effectively reduces dynamic wrinkles, particularly around the eyes, forehead, and between the eyebrows. It’s important to note that Botox smooths lines created by facial movements, not those present when the face is at rest. Men typically require more Botox than women due to larger facial muscles, and it may wear off more quickly. In 2024, an increasing number of men are seeking Botox for a refreshed appearance.
Fillers, mainly hyaluronic acid-based, address facial depressions common in aging men. These include deep nasolabial folds and prejowl areas. Men’s heavier facial structure often leads to more pronounced hollowing. Dr. Berman recommends Voluma from the Juvaderm family for its long-lasting effects, up to two years. Fillers can also enhance cheek and temple areas. Initially, Dr. Berman advises starting with fillers, but fat grafting is an option for more permanent results, despite its variability in absorption.
Men generally accumulate fat differently than women, often in the neck, flanks, and lower abdomen. Smartlipo, performed under local anesthesia, effectively reduces fat in these areas, with a quick return to normal activities. However, it’s important to differentiate between subcutaneous and visceral fat. Smartlipo targets subcutaneous fat, which is pinchable, whereas visceral fat, located deep within the abdomen, requires dietary and exercise changes for reduction.
Men often feel self-conscious about enlarged breasts, prominent areolas, or protruding nipples. Each issue requires a unique surgical approach, some manageable with local anesthesia and others needing general anesthesia in a surgical setting.
Many men experience heavy upper eyelids and descending eyebrows, contributing to a tired appearance. Upper blepharoplasty can significantly improve this look. However, surgical solutions for eyebrow descent are more complex in men due to typically receding hairlines. Puffy lower eyelids, often caused by fat herniation, can be addressed through a transconjunctival excision. Men might experience more bruising and swelling post-surgery due to larger blood vessels.
Both men and women often seek to remove regretted tattoos. The Picosure laser, effective on various ink colors, remains the premier choice for tattoo removal. Black ink tattoos typically clear faster than colored ones. Patients should anticipate 5-15 treatments, spaced at least 6 weeks apart, with minimal risk of ghosting.
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Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC