A very common question I get is when to get cosmetic procedures done in order to look great for bathing suit season. There are 4 operations/procedures […]
Dr. Berman’s Vitamin C Serum is an excellent preventative skin care product with high performance ingredients and potent antioxidants. This serum will help to brighten, firm, […]
I often spend time answering answering questions on RealSelf from users considering plastic surgery, or recent surgery patients sharing their results on the website. I do […]
We have just reduced the pricing of our Picosure Laser Facial to just $1,500 for 3 Laser Facial treatments. We are incredibly impressed with the great […]
There are, as you can imagine, numerous considerations to take into account when deciding if you are ready for plastic surgery. Check out my video below […]
People still sometimes get confused about the difference between Botox and fillers. Botox works through muscle paralysis to decrease facial motion and help eliminate fine lines. Fillers represent […]
There are several of advantages to getting a SculpSure treatment over Smartlipo (which I love), liposuction or more invasive surgery such as a tummy tuck or […]
Many of my breast augmentation patients exercise regularly and want as little interruption as possible from exercise. Of course, not all of my patients are physically […]
As you may know, Sculpsure is the latest innovation in non-invasive fat reduction. This means that there are no incisions. The laser energy travels through the […]
There are now some great non-invasive procedures available these days, providing long-lasting results with minimally discomfort or downtime. Below are a few of my favorites: […]
There are a lot of reasons more men are getting cosmetic procedures. Probably the largest reason is cultural. It is simply more culturally acceptable for men […]
The PicoSure laser helps remove wrinkles, dark spots, acne scarring, and tattoos. It is the first of a new generation of lasers, with its cutting-edge technology […]
It is important to point out that much of plastic surgery is not cosmetic surgery, but rather, reconstructive surgery. For example, children born with cleft lip […]
Exfoliating is a very important step in your skin care regimen if you want to improve the appearance of your complexion. Not only does exfoliating help […]
People mistakenly believe that a facelift fixes your face and makes it perfect and instantly takes many years of aging off of your face. A facelift does […]
There are, of course, a large number of myths about plastic surgery and each procedure has its own myths and misconceptions. Below, I’m highlighting a few […]
Dear Patients:
I have decided to close my practice. Many of you have asked me who you should go for further surgeries and care. The quality of care in the entire northern Virginia area is very high and there are plenty of good board-certified plastic surgeons (definitely use a board-certified plastic surgeon). I want to particularly endorse Dr. Behzad Parva. He does excellent work and is extremely ethical. One of the best qualities is that he will tell you when you don’t need something done. Dr. Parva has covered my practice for many years when I have been on vacation. I have known him for over 15 years.This is his contact information:
Please let him know that you came to him via my website. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your plastic surgeon.
David Berman MD, FRCSC